Research your audience
Choose the shows
that are most appropriate for your products and services.
Set measurable objectives
Objectives enable you to
evaluate results.
Buy enough space
calculate for visitors,
staff, displays and equipment.
Assign responsibilities
Assign specific
individuals for each exhibit task.
Consider your message
Target your exhibit
to your particular customers needs and concerns.
Plan pre-show promotion
Call customers, send invitations,
utilize your advertising and sales potential.
Schedule the tasks
Planning will
help you get your exhibit to the show on time and within budget.
Inform your staff
Explain their
objectives and their responsibilities in achieving them.
Train your sales people
Familiarity with equipment
and literature and complete all forms daily.
Set up your exhibit
Check signage, test equipment,
install telephone, etc. (if necessary)
Watch for VIP visits
Alert sales people to
possible VIP industry visitors.
Provide news releases
Shows attract news media,
be sure your story is heard!
Look at other exhibits
Note the unusual and fresh
ideas, qualify the attending crowd.
Monitor booth activity
Be flexible.
Decide each day if change is necessary in schedules, etc.
Schedule staff meetings daily
Give staff a chance to
share experiences.
Reward high achievers
Recognize those
who make your exhibit successful.
Meet to evaluate
Get feed back
for the next show.
Pack your exhibit carefully
Protect your
Follow up leads
Make phone calls
and send thank you letters to customers and prospects. E-mail.
Gather information
Track traffic,
business cards, literature distributed, leads and sales.
Evaluate your exhibit
Record sales
attributable to show participation up to a year.
Trade Show Products™ - a division of Infinart®, Inc.
Copyright 1999-2004, All Rights Reserved
-- ASI #: 62640